Impact of aberrant immune signaling in melanoma mast cell networks on melanoma progression and metastasis

Prof. Dr. med. Tilo Biedermann
Technical University of Munich
School of Medicine
Department of Dermatology and Allergy(link is external)
Project Summary
Phenotypic plasticity of melanoma cells in response to proinflammatory signals seems to play a critical role in resistance towards current immunotherapies. We observed an accumulation of melanoma-associated mast cells, which provide a potent source for proinflammatory mediators. Therefore, by using mouse models and defined patient-derived material we will analyze the function of mast cell networks and mast cell-intrinsic signals through the FcεR, TLRs or NF-κB as well as their impact on pathogenesis, progression and resistance to therapy of melanoma
Prof. Dr. med. Tilo Biedermann and Dr. Nada Sissouno have been awarded the Prize for Excellence in Teaching at public universities in Bavaria. Bavarian Minister of Science and the Arts Bernd Sibler honored the physician and the mathematician at the suggestion of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
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